Kelagayi… It is symbol, beauty and cosiness for Azerbaijani women.
It is 100% silk of manual coloration.
Manufactured in Sheki or Basgal (about manufacturers and originality of kelagayies).
Our brand is Silk Fantasy and although we appeared in the market of kelagayies recently, we have a certain reputation. Previously, establishing our shop we investigated the market and arrived at a conclusion that there is not a good online-shop with permanent support of actuality of available goods and delivery service. Simple shops exist and for a long time; but the delivery market and online-shop with available prices and flexible delivery terms had not been covered yet. Our concept was directed namely to realization of this idea. Initially the website was created as a catalogue, but presently we move to a platform similar for large online-shops for easing the procedure of searching, choosing and registering an order.
Presently we are proud that each buyer may choose silk product sitting at home or office and, in case of presence, this product will be delivered to the place in time convenient for the buyer. The detailed description of each product and sufficient quantity of the qualitative photos taken in studio ease the process of choosing kelagayi. The concept of online-shop is convenient both for our compatriots and people loving silk and silk products and living abroad. Posting service is rendered all over the world and the parcel itself is tracked upon tracking numbers till the moment of the customer’s approval of delivery.
We try to control the quality of kelagayi thoroughly and scrap the products having stains, serious defects of cloth and holes. Hereby, inequality of coloration is not deemed as defect because often it is a zest of the kerchief.
What is the defect? (link)
Presently we may assuredly say that we are the sole online-shop in Azerbaijan with so high level of service. The requests and orders get processed as frequently as the technologies allow. We try to help each buyer in choice and maximally convenient ways of purchase and delivery.